Reconditioned KOLMAG hot press 3000x1300
Reconditioned KOLMAG press with 3000x1300mm work surface. Opening between floors of 450mm. Nr.1 intermediate floor. It has 2 pressing compartments. 6 pistons diameter 70mm / 90Ton (Power 2.04kg/cm2). new hydraulic oil, new electrical panel, new paint. The press is complete with a new heating system. All of our production. New boiler with 18kw electric resistors for heating the floors. Boiler operation with glycol water. HEATED HOBS - BOILER 18KW 380V. tops with aluminum sheets. Reconditioned press (seen and liked sales formula). All of our production. Made in Italy!
- Tipologia inserzionistaAzienda
- Ragione SocialeTOLLIN DANIELE
- Partita IVA04037620368
- Comune inserzionistaModena (MO)
- ModelloSP
- Anno2023
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